W2 forms are in the mail today and should arrive to you next week. You'll need this form to file your tax return. The return sender is our corporate name: DNS Enterprises, LTD. Don't throw it away because it looks unfamiliar to you!
Please check over your form and confirm that your name, address and social security number are all correct. Now is a good time to check that you had enough tax withheld and make amendments if necessary. You'll need to fill out a new W4 form to change your tax withholding. You can print it out and mail or hand it to us here: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf. If you like to submit online, then let Ashley know and she'll set up a secure link for you: Ashley.Walston@HomeInstead.com.
Please note that this W2 only includes pay dates in 2024. If you worked at the end of 2024 but your first paycheck was dated 1/3/2025, then you won't receive a W2.
Please reach out if you have any questions.